Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Whole Wheat Beer Bread

I got this recipe last fall from my would-be mother in law you could say (boyfriend's mom). She is an AMAZING cook/baker, so my bread doesn't even come close to hers, but it's still good! It's a little sweeter than your typical beer bread because of the honey, but you could easily omit that if you are looking for it to be more hearty.
Any type of beer will work, tonight I used Miller 64. However, I'm curious how something like an apple ale would work flavor-wise? If you try it, comment and let me know how it works! 

Here's the recipe:
1 1/2 C AP Flour
1 1/2 C WW Flour
4 1/2 t Baking Powder
1 t Salt
1/3 C Brown Sugar
12 oz Beer of Choice
1+ T Honey

Mix all the dry ingredients, then add the beer and honey. 
Mix well, but don't over mix. 
Bake in a 9x5 loaf pan at 350 for 40-60 minutes. The top should be very crispy and light brown. 

It is fantastic served warm with a little honey, or served any time with my Skinny Spinach Dip!


Bread with Skinny Spinach Dip!

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