Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Color Dash

I guess this is just a post of first workout post, AND my first 5K!

I've always wanted to do the real Color Run, and there was just one in The Cities, it just didn't work out. I'm going with a knockoff organization instead, The Color Dash!

I am lucky enough that the Dash is coming to my college town in September! I am sooo excited to run! But, that also means I have to train! (That begins next week).

I set up a 12 person team for the Dash including my mom and sister, boyfriend's mom and sister, my aunt and her son, my other aunt and her two daughters, my grandma, and my roommate! It will be so much fun to do with so many people I love, making it even better!

I will post pictures after the race! Stay tuned! 

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